The Fall Creek Sporting Clays 2020-2021 Winter League Session #1 begins starts today at the Indiana Gun Club. This session will run through January 31, 2021. You may shoot any day the club is open but you must shoot with another league member.
The fee for each league session will be $20 per shooter payable to Fall Creek Sporting Clays. You may pay by check or cash placed in the League Drop Box at the club. This fee will be used to offset expenses for the scoring supplies and league awards. No member’s scores will be tracked or posted until the fee is paid. Note: if you paid to participate in the 2019-20 Winter League your first session this year is complimentary as we were unable to complete the league and compute results last year due to many factors. Just mark your registration form that you are using your credit.
Indiana Gun Club will be charging $35 per 100 Bird Round for members and $45 for non-members in 2020-21. You will need to have your own Claymate card or check one out from the clubhouse in order to shoot in the events. You may join Indiana Gun Club for $100 the first year and renew for $50 each year after. Memberships purchased now are good for the remainder of 2020 and all of 2021.
Here are a few more details:
Each shooting group is responsible for their own trapping and scoring. All scores should be attested by another member of your group. Scores shot without another league member present are not valid for submittal.
Scorecards will be available in the clubhouse. You may post scores for both the Novice A/B Course and the Experienced C/D Course. All stations will be shot as Report Pairs with an option to shoot True if you want. Your best score each week will be used for award calculations. Scorecards should be placed in the Drop Box in the club house after each shoot.
All NSCA Rules shall apply but targets will not be registered. Each target must be marked with an / or O, meaning dead or lost, on the official event scorecard. It will be up to the scorekeeper to call out and verify hits or misses. A hit is a visible chip verified by the scorekeeper. The scorekeeper can poll others in the group if he/she is unable to verify a hit or miss to make a determination. Each shooter must verify his/her score before leaving the station. Once the shooter leaves the station the score is final. Once the round is concluded, each shooter shall review his score and initial the scorecard before submitting it for posting. In the case of any questions about the rules that may affect scores, unofficial league management will make an official ruling.
An individual shooter’s score for the competition cycle is the sum of the total targets broken. Once targets broken have been calculated, a handicap formula will be applied to each shooter’s broken target score.
A handicapping system will be applied to make the league enjoyable for everyone. The lower the score posted each week, the larger the number of handicap points added to a shooter’s score. The handicap points to be awarded will be adjusted on a weekly basis using a rolling average calculated after the first round is complete. Scratch will be based on a score of 80 and is the maximum score you can receive after applying your handicap points. Any actual score above eighty is scored gross with no handicap points applied.
Score for Round 1 is 40, Round 2 is 42, average after two rounds is 41 for handicapping purposes. 80-41=39 x .70 = 27.3 (rounded to 27). Add 40 + 27 =67 for Round 1, Round 2 = 42+27=69. Handicap points for remaining rounds are established as a running average. Your handicap may change as each consecutive round is scored using the running system. Round 3 score is 72. Round 3 handicapping scoring average is 51. 80-51=29 x .7 = 20.3. Because of the Scratch Rule of 80, the third round handicap score is 80.
Round 1 2 3
Actual Score 40 42 72 3 Round average is 51
Handicap 27 27 08
Net Score 67 69 80
A shooter must submit scores for at least 4 rounds during the league session to be eligible for awards. Only one score per week will be counted towards award calculations.
At least three awards will be presented for each course. Only one award per participant.
Handicap Champion – The best average with handicap points applied.
HOA – The best overall scratch average with no handicap applied.
Most Improved – Highest increase in average score from the first calculated average until the end of the league.
Weather permitting we will be changing the course up every two weeks.This approach should provide some variety while also allowing each member to see some improvement on the same course by shooting it more than once.
League Contact:
For questions regarding this league you may contact:
Mike Perryman