You can now vote for your next ISCA Board - the polls are open! You can vote through the link below:
The deadline to submit your vote is Friday, May 31st. Please check out the bios of the candidates below:
Office of President
Scott Merz
I am passionate about our sport and am eager to help further its success and popularity in Indiana. If elected, I would energetically take-up two areas of focus. First, improved communication with members through a) timely communication of news, updates, and events and b) restoring the Annual Meeting of Members.Second, in collaboration with club owners, continue to improve our State Championship to provide a highly competitive, hospitable, and enjoyable event for both resident and non-resident participants. My passion for Sporting Clays has inspired me to support our sport by:
Serving as ISCA Vice President
Serving on the ISCA Shoot Committee
Developing and serving the youth of Indiana as a member of the coaching staff for Target Busters – one of our Indiana SCTP teams (youth)
Developing my coaching and instruction skills through formal training (Tony Monzingo’s program, NSCA, personal study) to help fellow shooters, recreational and competitive, improve their shooting skills.
If elected President of the ISCA, I will be honored to serve the Sporting Clays enthusiasts of Indiana and will do so with gusto.
Office of Vice President
Dave Kitchen
As a young boy, I learned the art of wing shooting and small game hunting from my father, uncles, and older cousins. It didn’t take long for me to figure out that my love and passion was with this sport.During Christmastime 2020, one of my sporting clays friends invited me to a day of shooting at the newest club in southern Indiana. Within a few weeks of that outing and with much practice, I joined the NSCA as a lifetime member on January 27, 2021. A short time later, I upgraded to a new sporting clays shotgun that was a much better fit for me. I shot my first registered clays event at Indian Creek Shooting Center on February 21, 2021.Since that time, I shoot and support Indiana clubs in their registered and non-registered shooting events across the state. Monthly, I travel to adjoining states for shooting tournaments and state championship events. Sometimes, I participate in regional events even further away! Over time, I moved through the ranks to my current AA class status.
Continuing to strive to better myself and to help others achieve the same, I became a certified NSCA referee and a certified NSCA Level I Instructor in 2023. In my future, I plan on becoming a higher-level instructor. Currently, I am an assistant coach for the Scholastic Clay Target Program at my local club. I feel that with the exposure I have, I could make a positive impact on the future of Indiana State Clays Association by making it stronger and better for current and future members. When elected Vice President, I will continue to uphold the bylaws to the highest of standards. I look forward to working with all the clubs in Indiana and helping grow the sport. # PULL BANG !!!
Andy Perrone
I shot my first registered shoot in April of 2016 and have been a very active participant since that date. I currently have over 56,000 registered targets and have participated in multiple state shoot championships as well as several regional championships, the US Open Championship, The Canadian Open Championship, The World English Championship, and club tournaments throughout Indiana and the Midwest.
In addition to being an active participant, I have also done all I can to advance the sport in Indiana. I have served as a member of the ISCA Shoot Committee since 2018, I’ve served 2 terms as a National Delegate representing Indiana for the NSCA, and I’ve served one term as Secretary for the ISCA, I have assisted in setting up and tearing down our Indiana State Championship on multiple occasions. I have the experience and the desire to continue to serve our community and would appreciate the opportunity to serve as ISCA Vice President.
Office of Secretary
Jeremiah Bullock
Jeremiah Bullock has been an ISCA member since 2017. You could say that he has been bitten by the clays bug because he spends all of his free time shooting sporting clays. Whether going to tournaments in Indiana or traveling across the US, Jeremiah and his wife, Kelsie, enjoy competing in clays events together. Jeremiah helps with a couple SCTP teams and enjoys bringing new shooters to this sport. He is excited to bring some new ideas to the ISCA board and to work hard to make the Indiana sporting clays experience awesome for Hoosier shooters and out-of-state visitors alike.
Jeremiah has served on several Boards including current service as the Secretary of The Fallen Outdoors, a nonprofit that helps veterans connect with other veterans through outdoor experiences. He also has previously served on the Howard County Izaak Walton League board as a Board member and as the Senior Vice Commandant and Judge Advocate of the Albert E. Shockey Detachment of the Marine Corps League.
Marty Schindler
I'm Marty Schindler from Greenville, Indiana, and I started shooting clays in 2020 when The Farm opened in New Albany. I began competing in registered tournaments in 2021, where I have shot 11,750 registered targets and compete in AA. I am in my second year as assistant coach for The Farm youth shooting program, and I joined The Farm as the full-time course manager in April.
My interest in joining the board for the ISCA comes from the desire to see sporting clays continue to grow in Indiana. I am active on multiple social media platforms and spend my spare time gaining knowledge about the sport. I believe my past career experience and becoming a full-time employee at The Farm provides a unique skill set that could be beneficial to the ISCA. I hope I get the opportunity to help grow the sport in our state. #Pullbang
Bryan Wright
Bryan Wright began shooting sporting clays in 2016 when he was invited to a charity introduction shoot event held at Indiana Gun Club. Since his first time picking up a shotgun that year, Bryan has reached master class in both 12 gauge and sub gauge. A 2-time Indiana State Champion, Bryan enjoys traveling out of state to regional and world shoots to enhance his skills and visit new clubs every year. Bryan’s passion is FITASC and is dedicated to developing and hosting a state FITASC championship every year in the state of Indiana. Having traveled to numerous states and clubs, he is prepared to utilize the connections he has made and the information he has gathered to make this a reality and enhance the already thriving sporting clays community in Indiana.
Office of Treasurer
Jess Hines
Jess Hines is a retired CPA with 43 years of experience in financial and corporate administration. He has been active in shooting sports for over forty years, and active with the ISCA for the past five. He is seeking a third term as Treasurer. Jess values the benefits that the ISCA brings to our sport and hopes to continue contributing to that effort.
If you have any issues accessing the voting website or submitting your vote, please contact Kelsie Winters directly by email at iscaindiana@gmail.com or by phone at (812) 639-2074.
Good luck to all of the candidates!