Ladies and Gentlemen...start your engines! That's right! It is May in Indiana and everyone in the Hoosier State knows that means is time for the ISCA Race to State. Ok, it doesn't actually start until the first weekend of June but I couldn't pass on "borrowing" the Indianapolis 500's most famous line.
The ISCA will pay the class winners at each Race to State event $25.00 if you register for and shoot in the State Championship Main Event at The Farm during the weekend of June 30 - July 3. So, make sure that you get to the clubs that are hosting a Race to State event (there are five of them), get your game ready for the State Championship, and maybe have the ISCA contribute to your costs along the way.
Here are the Race to State dates and locations:
June 4 & 5 - Kosko Shotgun Sports Complex (Warsaw,IN)
June 11 & 12 - Howard County Izaak Walton League (Kokomo, IN)
June 17 thru 19 - Indian Creek Shooting Center (Georgetown, IN)
June 24 thru 26 - Sugar Creek Shooting Sports (Mitchell, IN)
June 25 - Fall Creek Sporting Clays at Indiana Gun Club (Fortville, IN)
We hope to see you there!