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2018 President’s Report and Summary

Dear ISCA Member,

It is with great pride and pleasure that I provide you with this summary of all the great things that have occurred with your Indiana State Clays Association over the past two year term of officers and also provide you with a glimpse of what we have planned moving forward.

Reorganization – As many of you may already be aware, we reorganized the ISCA in 2016 from the Indiana Sporting Clays Association to the Indiana State Clays Association so that we could establish the organization under IRC Section 501 (c) (7) as a non-profit organization.  This has now been accomplished as of March 28, 2017.  We also elected a new slate of officers for a two year term that will be expiring this July.  New By-laws were also created in compliance with NSCA guidelines and are available for viewing on the new ISCA Website.

New ISCA Website – Your ISCA Board approved the creation of a new ISCA website available at  The purpose of the new website was to establish improved communication with all members.  You will find ISCA organization information including our By-laws, meeting minutes, and current officer / director contact info, as well as information on upcoming shoots.  We welcome any comments and feedback on your website.

Race to State Series – Over the past two years we have expanded the original Hot 600 Series into the ISCA Sponsored Race to State Series and now all member clubs are participating.  The ISCA provides both awards and a gun give away to promote participation in the series which now drives the biggest events of the year at each club and provides a great way for members to achieve their 300 target minimum and hone their skills for the annual Indiana Sporting Clays Championship.  We are always looking for further ways to enhance the series so please bring us any ideas you may have.

Indiana Sporting Clays Championship – we achieved record participation over the past two years in our state championship with enhanced awards, purse, and amenities.  The lessons learned have been captured as State Shoot Criteria that will be used to guide all future events and continue to evolve as we learn more.  The ISCA Board also elected to move away from an annual bid process for the event and move to a rotation among all eligible clubs who elect to participate and can meet the criteria.  This is intended to provide sufficient time for each club to plan/prepare and provide an enhanced and consistent experience for all participants.  The next three state championships will be held at Indian Creek – 2018, Sugar Creek – 2019, and Indiana Gun Club – 2020.

Financial Progress – The original ISCA had accumulated a healthy bank balance of over $20,000 when the new organization was formed and all assets were transferred to the new entity.  The ISCA Board elected to start giving back from these reserves to the membership with the new website, Race to State Sponsorship, and enhanced support of our state championship.  The plan is to continue doing so while maintaining a reasonable reserve.  Your board also elected to raise the state target fee to three cents per target, effective with the 2018 shoot season, which is more in line with other state associations and will allow us to continue expanding our efforts to support our sport and members through enhanced events.  Any member can obtain details on our current financial status by contacting the Treasurer.

Delegate / Officer Transitions – I would like to thank the original officers and board members of the ISCA that established the foundation for us to build from as well as those who have stayed with us through the transition including Ken Layton, Jim McNutt, and Eric Whitley.  Ken continues to serve on the Board representing Sugar Creek.  Jim has served on our board as both a National Delegate and Treasurer.  Eric just recently completed his term as a National Delegate at the end of 2017.  I would also like to thank our officer slate for the last two years including Jack Moran-VP, Lisa Geisler – Sec. and Heidi Hackett / Jim McNutt as Treasurers.  We also welcome our newly elected National Delegates Kyle Norman and Tim Stahl who will serve two year terms in 2018-2019.  There will certainly be ongoing transitions to the board and we will keep members informed as they occur.  Finally, our newly elected officers for the next two year term beginning July 2018 will be Mike Perryman – Pres, Jack Moran – VP, Tim Russell – Treas, and Mike Childs – Secretary.

Where Do We Go From Here?  – Your ISCA Board has many great ideas for continued growth and improvement of the organization and we always welcome your input.  Current plans include continued enhancements to the ISCA website by providing Patron Sponsorship opportunities for businesses related to our sport as well as a Forum for member communication.  We are looking for ways to cooperate with state and national youth shooting organizations in order to promote our sport and secure our future participants.  The 2018 SCTP State Championships will be held at Indiana Gun Club in June 2018 and we hope that you will come out and volunteer or at least observe our future shooters.  Your officers and board members will be striving to be more visible and accessible at events so please let us know your thoughts so that we can continue to build a great organization.

See you on the course,

Mike Perryman

ISCA President


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